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Contains iOS-specific known folders.

Summary ​

Functions ​

desktop ​

desktop(): Folder
Gets the NSDesktopDirectory. Note that the folder will not be created if it did not exist.
Returns Folder

developer ​

developer(): Folder
Gets the NSDeveloperDirectory. Note that the folder will not be created if it did not exist.
Returns Folder

downloads ​

downloads(): Folder
Gets the NSDownloadsDirectory. Note that the folder will not be created if it did not exist.
Returns Folder

library ​

library(): Folder
Gets the NSLibraryDirectory. Note that the folder will not be created if it did not exist.
Returns Folder

movies ​

movies(): Folder
Gets the NSMoviesDirectory. Note that the folder will not be created if it did not exist.
Returns Folder

music ​

music(): Folder
Gets the NSMusicDirectory. Note that the folder will not be created if it did not exist.
Returns Folder

pictures ​

pictures(): Folder
Gets the NSPicturesDirectory. Note that the folder will not be created if it did not exist.
Returns Folder

sharedPublic ​

sharedPublic(): Folder
Gets the NSSharedPublicDirectory. Note that the folder will not be created if it did not exist.
Returns Folder